Submittal Instructions

Deadline for RFQ submittals is Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 2 PM EDT.

Respondents are required to submit the following items as a complete submission.

One completed RFQ Submittal Sheet, Attachment A, signed by an authorized representative of the respondent and filled out as required. The completed RFQ submittal sheet shall not be included within the bound submission but shall be readily visible when the box, envelope, or package is opened. The RFQ submittal sheet is used for identification and tracking after submittal packages are opened. Failure to include the completed, signed submittal sheet as directed herein may be cause for rejection.
ONE UNBOUND ORIGINAL, SIX BOUND copies, and ONE electronic version on Compact Disc (CD) as a single PDF file of each response must be submitted to the FMA. No other distribution shall be made by the respondent. Flash drives or other memory media are NOT acceptable. Submissions shall be limited to 50 sheets of 8-1/2” x 11” paper, including cover pages, dividers, references, required forms, etc. FMA-furnished forms shall not be altered in any way.
Professional References, Attachment B.

During the qualification evaluation process, the FMA may request respondents provide additional information to assist the FMA with the qualification process.

Respondents deemed to have demonstrated relevant experience will be invited to respond to RFPs that will promptly follow the qualification evaluation process. The final selection of respondents will be a collaborative process that considers the interests of a wide variety of stakeholders, emphasizes historic preservation, and respects the fiscal interests of the Commonwealth the FMA.