Strategic Objectives
The primary objective of this RFREP is to find qualified respondents with the experience and capacity to accept the challenges of this unique adaptive reuse project. Respondents must understand the FMA desires to see this historic property redeveloped into a vibrant, mixed-use community that creates social, cultural, and economic successes. To accomplish these objectives, the FMA is looking for respondents who embrace the following strategic objectives:

Adaptive Use and Reuse of Historic Structures
Fort Monroe will be a model of preservation and sustainability. The successful responder will work within the parameters of the Fort Monroe Historic Preservation Manual and Design Standards, the Programmatic Agreement, the State Memorandum of Understanding, and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties to create conceptual plans for adaptive reuse of the proposed buildings.

Exemplary Land Use Planning
The Reuse Plan and the Fort Monroe Master Plan are guidelines that responders will strategically use to capture and enhance the essence of a mixed-use community. Connectivity to pedestrian and vehicular areas, stormwater management, tree preservation, and landscaping will reflect and contribute to the current ambiance of Fort Monroe.

Provide Sustainable Revenue
Fort Monroe is an economic engine for the community, the region, and the state. To achieve a successful performance model, responders will accept their proportional role in the sustainability of the common area, special events, and community spaces in order to maintain the vibrant and well-maintained public spaces.

Embrace the NPS
Fort Monroe is a National Monument. Although the property is divided between the FMA and NPS, the aspirational goal is to provide a borderless visitor experience without legislative barriers. Successful responders will embrace this objective and demonstrate a vision for property and building uses that contribute to historic interpretation experiences.

Implement the Vision
The FMA will select one or more proposals who have the financial capacity to implement a mutually accepted vision for a strategic project or projects at Fort Monroe. Implementation of these projects will follow negotiated and agreed upon timelines and project goals.