RFQ Questions & Answers
RFQ questions due by September 28, 5PM EDT
Responses will be posted here no later than October 4, 5PM EDT
1What hazardous materials were stored in the shed buildings on Pratt Street displaying "Hazardous Storage" signs and has it been remediated?
All information about hazardous material storage and remediation activities can be located on the Army’s remediation website: fortmonroerab.org in the Document Repository. All remediation activities have been completed. All remediation sites for future Commonwealth property at Fort Monroe have reached a “No Further Action” status. The actions are summarized in the Finding of Suitability to Transfer documents on the remediation website.
2What is the condition of the soil within North Gate and the fort in general? Can it be cultivated: Is there a need for remediation?
All information about specific soil conditions can be located on the Army’s remediation website: formonroerab.org in the Document Repository. All soil remediation actions for current and future Commonwealth property have been completed. A site-wide Land Use Control Implementation Plan (LUCIP) has been implemented to manage the risk for potential military munitions. A copy of the LUCIP is located on the remediation website. A restriction on the use of groundwater has been implemented in certain areas as part of the remediation remedies. For management purposes, the FMA has implemented a site-wide restriction on the use of groundwater.
3What was the previous use of Building 28?
Building 28 was originally used by the Navy, in 1939, as a Submarine Mine Depot. It's most recent use was by the Army's department of Public Works.
4What was the previous and what is the current use of building 57?
Building 57 was previously used by the Army as a motor pool. It's most recent use is by the Fort Monroe Authority's Public Works Contractor and the Army Caretaker staff.
5Does the Fort have unusually large electrical capacity?
The transformer at the Dominion Energy substation on Fort Monroe is sized at 7.5 MVA. The peak demand in the last 3 years was 3.8 MVA.
6In the North Gate Development Zone, is the rest of the "bow tie" available to be included as part of the redevelopment area? If so, which buildings, if any, would be considered contributing?
The Fort Monroe Authority Board has only authorized redevelopment proposals in the four areas presented in the RFQ document.
7Is all of building 57 considered to be a contributing building? Specifically is the back warehouse section of the building considered contributing?
The entirety of Building 57 is considered contributing.
8What buildings are in the RPA, Resource Protection Act? Provide definition/clarification on what can be done within the RPA.
The RPA extends 100 feet landward of the limits of tidal wetlands and the limits of mean high water at Fort Monroe. The Fort Monroe Authority considers the North Gate, Marina, Historic Village and Inner Fort areas as Intensely Developed Areas (IDA). As such the typically required 100-foot vegetated buffer would not apply to development and redevelopment projects within these areas. The water quality and flood protection requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Act apply for all project areas at Fort Monroe, regardless of Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area designation.
9Can buildings 204 & 205 be adjoined in some fashion. This is more in reference to being allowed rather than to the actual design of doing so.
There is the potential to connect the two structures with an architecturally sympathetic hyphen so that the design would minimize the impact to the historic structures fabric.
10Can the FMA provide a first floor elevation for buildings at Fort Monroe?
The FMA does not have first floor elevation certificates for the majority of the buildings at Fort Monroe. The FMA has been surveying first floor elevation for individual buildings as redevelopment projects have occurred.
11What is the Respondent’s requirement for the “Acknowledge Addendum Number(s):” field at the bottom of Attachment A?
The FMA has not issued any addendums to the RFQ to date. The FMA will issue Addendum 1 that incorporates the complete list of questions and answers. Respondents may acknowledge receipt of Addendum 1 but since the questions and answers don’t change the scope of the Request, it is not required.
12 Is the Respondent’s proposal limited to 50 pages, counting front and back as two pages, or 50 sheets of paper?
The RFQ states that submissions shall be limited to 50 sheets of 8-1/2” x 11” paper. A sheet with printing on both sides of the page is considered 1 sheet. Cover pages, divider pages and tabs are counted as sheets when considering the 50 sheet limit.
13Please provide Marina Rent Roll (current) with start and stop dates of agreements, number of slips by size, electric operation available at each slip, marina equipment available inventory and status of repair, size of fuel and how much rent the yacht club pays the marina.
Old Point Comfort Marina is managed and operated by Guest Services, Inc. of Fairfax, VA. This marina is also a Boat USA Cooperative Marina. Operating statistics such as the occupancy rates, leased and transient slip revenues, fuel sales, other revenues including maintenance and other rents as well as the current condition of the assets and property are not available at this time. General information on the Old Point Comfort Marina website includes slip rates, slips sizes, amenities, and maintenance services that are offered. Here is the link to the website: https://boatingindc.com/marinas/old-point-comfort-marina/
14The RFQ discusses a Utility Master Plan to install new water mains, sewer mains, and new gas service across the property. Is there funding for this project, and what is the timeline for completion? Is there sufficient capacity to support a residential development in the North Gate area?
The General Assembly previously provided a $22.5 million allocation of bond proceeds for infrastructure improvements at Fort Monroe. The funding was not sufficient to implement the entire Utility Master Plan. The FMA continues to work with the Governor’s office and General Assembly to obtain the next allocation of bond proceeds to cover the continuation of the Utility Master Plan. The utility upgrades will be prioritized based on redevelopment areas. It is not possible to determine if the utility service is adequate until the use type and density is known. The FMA will work with any potential redevelopment partner to determine if any utility improvements are required and which party will be responsible for the improvements.
15Are there plans / funds for undergrounding of the overhead electric lines in the North Gate area?
The overhead electric lines provide regulated electric service to the Chamberlin. There are no current discussions with Dominion Energy about replacing the overhead lines with underground service. The issue could be addressed as part of the redevelopment process.
16Once we submit a response to the RFQ, what latitude do we - or others - have to later add or replace equity partners? add or replace contractors named in our submission?
The FMA may accept substitutions of equity partners or contractors after the RFQ evaluation is completed provided that the respondent did not rely on that equity partner’s or contractor’s experience in meeting the qualification requirements of the RFQ.
17Once we submit a response to the RFQ, what latitude do we - or others - have to change our proposed use? How specific must our proposed use be?
The statement of interest must contain sufficient detail for uses and densities for the FMA to determine if the use and densities are consistent with the Land Use Master Plan and Design Standards. Changes in primary use category will be restricted due to the evaluation of the respondent’s qualifications based on the use proposed in the statement of interest.
18Are we going to be made aware of any part of competing submittals (including but not limited to the intended uses of other respondents) at any time prior to Fort Monroe Authority’s award of a lease?
All responses to the RFQ will be presented to the FMA Board of Trustees at their meeting on November 15, 2018. No leases will be negotiated until the subsequent Request for Proposal process is completed.
19The RFQ specifically states that lease terms will be negotiable given the capital expenditures anticipated for each building. Will FMA consider or allow 99-year lease terms? 50-year lease terms? What is the longest lease term available? Which buildings, if any, are available for purchase rather than lease?
No buildings listed in the RFQ are being offered for sale. The terms of any lease will be negotiated after the subsequent Request for Proposal process is completed. It is the staff’s expectation that lease terms of at least 40 years will be offered to allow for respondents to utilize the historic rehabilitation tax credits. Longer lease terms may be recommended to facilitate approved redevelopment projects. Final approval of any lease terms will be made by the FMA Board of Trustees.
20How soon do you anticipate notifying successful respondents to the RFQ? How much time will such successful respondents have to prepare and submit the subsequent proposals? Will successful RFQ respondents have any additional opportunities to inspect/walk-through the buildings again? If yes, at what point in the process?
The RFQ reviews and staff recommendations will be presented to the FMA Board of Trustees at the November 15, 2018 meeting. Any proposals approved by the Board of Trustees will be included in the subsequent Request for Proposal process. While the schedule is subject to change based on the number of RFQ responses received and the direction of the Board of Trustees, the Request for Proposals are expected to be issued in early 2019. The timeline for responses is expected to be 6 months to allow respondents time to complete their proposals. Access to buildings will be provided during the RFP process.